What it does: This turns the grappling wire into a chain of flowers.What it does: This will give all characters a fake nose and mustache.What it does: While riding animals (such as a Bantha or Dewback), press the “special” button and the animal will poop!.What it does: While playing certain levels in Free Play Mode, you will have a few extra characters available to play as.How to unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Bar.With Adaptive Difficulty off, you’ll lose 2,000 studs every time you die, regardless of how often it is.

If you don’t die very often, you’ll lose 4,000 studs. If you die a lot, you will only lose 1,000 studs. With Adaptive Difficulty on, you will lose different amounts of studs depending on how often you die. What it does: This Extra is always on by default.I have also listed what they do, and how to unlock them. Below I’ve listed each Extra in the order they appear in the menu. The other 36 you’ll have to unlock by collecting the Red Power Bricks in the Story levels. The first is unlocked automatically, and there are 8 more for purchase at the Bar. There are a total of 45 Extras available in this game. Inputting a cheat code for an Extra unlocks it automatically (you won’t have to pay studs for it). Inputting a cheat code for a Character/Vehicle will unlock it for purchase. These cheat codes can be entered in the “Enter Code” section of the Bar (Mos Eisley Cantina).